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The ideal way to manage the images you upload to your website is:
  • Create a folder on your pc which stores all the images you upload to your website.
  • Make sure all the images are resized according to the suggestions below.
  • Images are usually forced to a certain width, or height, on your website which will ensure the layout maintained. There is normally an option for the user to click through to the full-size image.

Setting up an archive of digital images: a suggestion
Create a folder on your computer, or network server, where all your images can be stored. You can create further sub-folders if you need to further divide the image files (i.e., c:\my pictures\web images\art).

Image size and resolution: the images on a website need to load fairly quickly. Best to keep as close to the following as possible:
  • Format: jpeg / jpg
  • Resolution: 72 dpi
  • Orientation - landscape images: between 800 and 1200 pixels (px) in width
  • Orientation - portrait images: between 800 and 1200 pixels (px) in height
  • Picture quality: between 85 and 90% is normally ideal.
  • File size: between 250kb and 1mb is ideal.
Please note the above sizes are a guide. Some images are very narrow, very wide or a square - adjust the size accordingly.


  • If you upload the incorrect image, then delete it and upload the correct one.
  • If you or delete an image then the file is deleted from your website. This avoids having images that are not displayed on your website using up storage space.


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